About Us

Who We Are

The science of dentistry has advanced rapidly in the last decade not only with the impact of technology but also with innovative techniques that increase reliability while minimizing risk and pain. Dr. Ernesto G. Diaz has received the best scholarly training accompanied with practical experience in cosmetic and general dentistry on par with the highest standards of 21st century dentistry.

Our Team

A Few Words

Dr. Ernesto, as his patients call him, is surrounded by hygienists and office staff personally selected by him to work as a team to solve any challenge that modern dentistry can solve. Your comfort and safety are foremost in everyone’s minds in addition to timely assistance and professional scheduling when and where they are most convenient for you.

Harvey Spector

Founder - CEO

Jessica Pearson


Rachel Zain

Marketing Head

Luise Litt

Lead Developer

Katrina Bennett

Intern Designer

Mike Ross

Intern Designer

Our Clinics

General and Cosmetic Dentistry

Our clinic was set up to serve people who need practical solutions to complex dental issues. We know how it feels to go to the dentist and we know that the fear of pain and discomfort is also accompanied by lack of information and fear of cost.

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